I don't need any praise from you! >w<
Welcome to Inherited Will, the approved fanlisting for Tony Tony Chopper (though more commonly called just Chopper) from Oda Eiichirou's anime and manga One Piece! Chopper is the fifth to join Luffy on his quest to become the Pirate King, and is the crew's doctor. Many thanks to Mitchii for adopting the fanlisting to me and her endless patience in waiting for me to get it up, as well as Shaza who owned it before her! Use the words right under the header to navigate around the site, and if you're a fan of Chopper, add your name to the list!
339 (+0) members as of 01st February 2025.
Connected • TAFL • Enthusiast
A fanlisting is an online list of fans for a particular subject, which purpose is to gather fans from all over the world. For more information, please visit The Fanlistings.